Sonya Lutter, Ph.D., CFP®, LMFT

Speaker, Researcher, & Author

Psychology of financial planning

Financial therapy

Financial health & wellness

What do I do?

My background and training is unmatched. I seek industry leaders and forward-thinking organizations who are similarly unique in their quest for knowledge and purpose.

I provide keynote speaking (though admittedly it is not my favorite thing to stand on a stage!) where audiences say they felt as if I was talking directly to them and that my voice was soothing (so calming one person asked if I could call her at 2 am to encourage her back to sleep…disclosure: she did not fall asleep during my presentation).

I also entertain sponsored research that pushes the boundaries of conventional wisdom and revolutionizes personal and professional development. My multidisciplinary approach is valuable in thinking about common financial planning situations differently.

My specialty is one-on-one or small-group consulting.

When I am not doing those things, I’m teaching at Texas Tech University as the Director of the Financial Health and Wellness program. Get CE with our virtual courses.

If your values match mine, let’s chat! Find me on LinkedIn.


In leading with kindness and care.

Being fully present is the key to exceeding expectations.

Data drives decision-making.

Needs are met with compassion.

Helping people helps their people.